Random novelty : my skull has been UV-unwrapped. The dentist I saw this morning did a panoramic scan that not only shows my entire jawline, but also bits of my nasal passage and eye sockets. Good news -- no cavities!

Also, startin' to paint this...I likes me purple 'n' greeeeeen!

Then there's this guy...

If I can ever get myself to stick with an underdrawing until it's ready (which I call "letting it bake" -- Ever try frosting an unbaked cake? Doesn't work.), this "digital inking via Sketchbook Pro" thing could potentially work for Whisper. The line is so friggin' crisp, I don't even need to sharpen it when I reduce for web. I made a custom brush based on the pencil tool with
these properties, and it's been working out pretty well. [see below] Another thing that helped here was that the underdrawing was done on paper and scanned in. I'm not sure if it's the perceived lag or what, but there are certain kinds of lines/line weights that I just don't attempt in a digital environment. My wooden pencil somehow gives me the ease and confidence to commit to shapes much more readily. It's a mindfuck, truly, but I'm sure the disconnect will be bridged in my lifetime.