The trouble these days is that I'm either too reluctant to request feedback from others, or that folks are simply too polite to give me the occasional smackdown/tough love.
What bugs me about my lifedrawing stuff is the same thing that bugs me about all art I produce. There's a timidity and lack of punchy contrast, with many little areas I know I'm flubbing, but don't actually call myself on or even attempt to remedy. Part of it can be chalked up to time limit and the fact I'm working in an un-erasable medium (I don't want to give myself the added freedom to noodle and correct, yet I sometimes build my foundations too dark and can't work over them without grinding into the page -- trouble!), but most of it is just inexcusable laziness and blindess to the facts (and the order of their importance as it pertains to the picture). If you can't relay the truth that's right in front of you, what hope do you have to conjure it from nothing?
I have to keep honest about where I'm at, and that means putting it all out there : the good, the bad, the ugly. You got any pointers? Cuz I'm all ears.