Did a bit more work on my
Blasphemous concept. The designs are now simple enough to be drawn and redrawn ad infinitum, though there's still some minor kinks to work out. i.e. I'm thinking of making the demonette small-chested for contrast. Oh, also, I need to give them names.
Color study...
Bonus sketches from this weekend...
awesome stuff, especially love the weekend sketches.
Awesome babe drawings as ever dude
You mentioned contrast, so what if you were to make one girl tall and slender, legs for miles with a nice tight ass, and the other short, busty, with curvy hips and thighs and a big ol bubble but? The two extremes could compliment each other really well with your style!
They kinda have to match in height.
I've been waiting for you to post some more Blashemous stuff.
They are just perfect! Love both of them. Agree about the boob size on the demonette, I think she would be even hotter.
Love them, can't wait to see hat else you come up with.
I like the idea of giving the Demon babe smaller boobs. I'd also suggest pierced nipples for her, again for contrast.
Dude, I couldn't agree more. Those little barbels. HAWT.
Name idea. I'm getting a bit of a Mila Kunis vibe from demon girl, so I was thinking maybe Maya or Mia?
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