Convention highlights :
-Bryan Lee O'Malley panel
-creative goal setting panel
(Overall message : Set a specific, measurable, attainable goal. Visualize it. Play to your strengths. Get help. Do your homework. Know your nemesis. Expect breakdowns. Never give up!)
-Adam Hughes drawing demo
(Overall message : "Have a battle plan!" "Do what the artwork wants!" "Don't fight your 'children.'")
-Nathan Fowkes demo
-Eric Canete sketch!
-Ryan Ottley sketchbook
-J Scott Campbell table (Damn, that guy's getting good at his likenesses.)
-Miss Monster's table (Got yet ANOTHER great shirt from her.)
-Stuart Ng plunder (new Claire Wendling book "Daisies" -- OMG)
-misc. Japanese artbook plunder
below : THQ booth goofery

The poor girls on the right are sporting unwieldly styrofoam armor proxies of Darksiders characters I had a hand in creating. Sorry!!!
below : Nathan Fowkes + model

Personal highlights :
-Hanging with Wendy, Joshua James Shaw, Andrew Murray, Tara Rueping, Devon Cady-Lee, Jeff Moy, James Daly, Sean McNally, Kenji Bliss, Travis Doggett, Kelli Nelson and too many others
-random convention life drawing
below : Wendy and Brobe from Yo Gabba Gabba

below : random sketches/gestures from the con

It's silly, the sheer volume of interesting people who go to this thing. Even if you only have time to make crude doodles as they scroll past, it's worth it. The Suicide Girls booth alone is an artist's jackpot!
Dang! Was suppose to go this year, shucks. That War Statue is wicked bro :D
My four year old would be so jealous of the Yo Gabba Gabba pic. I'm jealous of the Suicide Girls. LOL
Looks like fun bro. Wish I could have been there with you.
Great sketches!
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