Disclaimer : It's a challenge to draw quickly/accurately in Photoshop with a wacom tablet, but these were the tools I brought to present with.

Our "virtual art director" chose #2, so we developed the "bat" theme with the aid of ref.

This was as finished as it got during the time allotted. If you've seen Nival's house style, you'll know this concept comes nowhere near their exacting standards, but it worked for the purpose of showing thought process.

From here, we all got together and discussed each others' drawings. It's my favorite kind of exercise : the kind where I'm not the only person working! I was humbled by the amount of compelling ideas produced. Great fun!
For my second (and rather impromptu) demo, I sketched a werewolf. "Beekeeper" was repeatedly suggested, perhaps to nudge me out of my comfort zone, but really, I think they were just fucking with me :)
In Russia concept draws you!
Vinod Rams = WIN.
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