This blog...

...was initially for pieces done on a computer, but has since become a free-for-all. Here you'll find process work (digital and otherwise), sketch pages and studies, sometimes with commentary.

You can see the rest of my work here.

Remember kids : if you can't make pretty designs, at least make pretty lines!


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Autodestruct Playlist - late Spring 2010

***Hammock "Chasing After Shadows...Living With The Ghosts"
Manual "Drowned In Light" [Darla]
Flying Lotus "Cosmogramma" [Warp]
Architect "Consume, Adapt, Create"
The Panacea "Chiropteran" [Position Chrome]
Bluetech "Love Songs To The Source" [Interchill]
***Carbon Based Lifeforms "Interloper" [Ultimae]
Electrypnose "Magnetic Memoirs" [Goa]
Man Machine "Reintegrate" [Ovnimoon]
Chromatone "Wasabi" [Nano]
LOUD "Free From Conceptual Thoughts" [Drive]

V/A "Sick Music 2" [Hospital]
V/A "Made of Dawn" [Blue Hour Sounds]
V/A "Elysium" [Synchronos Recordings]
V/A "Idiosynth Trickery" [Faerie Dragon]
V/A "The Mandala Mirror" [Celestial Dragon]
V/A "Montemapu Festival" [Ovnimoon]



Zeke said...

is there a good place online to stream this stuff? I'm always looking for new music to vibe off of

BTW big ups on the Frazetta post in BL. That site is growing nicely, lots of cool content already, keep it up!

Paul Richards said...

An update a week is my goal!

As for music, I'm partial to Juno Records and Saiko Sounds. In fact, those are the only vendors I go through these days. The rest I can find at Austin's primary music shop, Waterloo Records. There's also Headphone Commute, a great review blog, and the Electronic Explorations podcast that's constantly turning me on to new stuff.