I apologize for reproducing this, but I think of all the amusing email threads from my game industry friends that get lost forever, and just wanted to preserve this priceless exchange. This is mainly for my benefit, but if you're at all interested, read from the bottom.
This so perfectly sums up the dynamic between all involved parties.
Raku and more pleasant 價值 以及 of life, survival and self-weight force capable of Nursing 於他 Jae-ku
<---the fuck?
I've never pranced! ( 阔步行走;神气地快速走动)
We will stop that from happening.
I'm very, very confused.
:| what's going on in THIS thread?
on a more relevant note, SCII rules.
Save the drinking edge to go up with Joy. Do not use your best leg for practice, use the anus! Kate Hudson.
Goddammit you had to post the one thing that makes me miss you guys the most!
Haha :D That is most certainly the spirit!
(How did I know you were going to post on this, Grace?)
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