This blog...

...was initially for pieces done on a computer, but has since become a free-for-all. Here you'll find process work (digital and otherwise), sketch pages and studies, sometimes with commentary.

You can see the rest of my work here.

Remember kids : if you can't make pretty designs, at least make pretty lines!


Sunday, February 21, 2010

lifedrawing log - 02.20.10

Upper right : While Jurassic Park was in the bathroom, I was able to stealth-capture one of his abstract masterworks with my cell phone camera. Kinda says it all, doesn't it? I'll bet when someone gives this guy a delicious cake, he uses it as a doorstop.

Crabby Pants Pastel, an old lady who's a dead ringer for Mama Fratelli from The Goonies, protested that the model had "changed the pose" after inhaling deeply. We were all of two minutes in. I had to laugh audibly, and the model shot her a vicious look I wish had remained. Crabby Pants Pastel is famous for the line, "We aren't drawing porno." I forget the exact context, but the model's vulva were most likely visible. Obscene!

Later, to see how much I'd absorbed, I tried redrawing the pose. Wound up breaking her in a bunch of places, but eh...a few things stuck. Not much point in going to these things if you can't retain anything.


Unknown said...

Oh sweet!
Try and «stealth capture» more of these people's work... it's pretty hilarious!! =)

Dado Almeida said...

Your latest adventures in that pre-historic land are hilarious, Paul. I'd like to see your "cartoons" of that specific characters.

Anyway. Great studies. My favorite of this series is the back view one.

Brandon said...

I find myself looking forward to the events of your figure drawing sessions almost as much as the art. Keep them coming. :)

-A. said...

Every life drawing group I've attended has a motley cast of characters/curmudgeons. Most of them are older and drawing seriously for the first time. There's the occasional 'serious artist' who puts out stuff that makes you just gag. No proportions, no solid anatomy, etc.

BUT... consider this...

If it weren't for the older, crabby, eccentric folks out there with the motivation to attend, orchestrate, organize, schedule, and make available the open studio style life drawing sessions for a few dollars per session, they wouldn't exist at all.

And then, once in a while, you run into some old man/woman that is a serious bad ass when it comes to drawing the figure and they might just want to share some knowledge.

Paul Richards said...

I'm in good with the moderator, make no mistake. And there's a dude who comes in and does AWESOME charcoal portraits. I often wish there was more of a learning component to it; everyone's off on their own. If there was anyone at these sessions worth glomming onto for knowlege, I'm sure I'd be a barnacle on their hull...but ehhhh...hasn't happened yet. I'm keeping my eyes peeled...

Unknown said...

Have you considered the possibility that YOU are the one other people look up to?

I've been figure drawing on and off for maybe 15 years. At some point I even organized sessions that were quite sucessful (with the mandatory older/weirder folks) and let me tell you that someone of YOUR level is a rare sight.

Vinod Rams said...

That sketch from the back is beautiful.

Unknown said...

Been meaning to comment on the total lack of ellipses, angular line segments, and hyperbolas in your figure drawing.


Anonymous said...

I think you should stealth-draw these characters and turn them into video game characters where they are professional wrestlers or Alice in Wonderland type villains. Or some other genre where you can caricature them. Danger Girl villains!

Actually I'd love to hear you tell the story where Crabby Pants Pastel catches you drawing her as Jabba the Hut's love interest.

Søren Bendt said...

wahahahaha oh man that is just hilarious.

Unknown said...

You should make the porno comment next time they have a male model. Act all serious too. See if she reacts.

Damn dude, just bring a camera and set it up facing the artists. Let us watch this engaging drama unfold. That'd be awesome. I'd watch it...