I left out a few steps (most crucially low-pass contrast -- you'll notice my range is limited here), but someone just asked how I was getting the strokes to look brushy in P-shop. Easy! You blur (in this case filter>noise>median) and smudge!
I owe the smudge technique to
Kieran Yanner who, of course, is leagues ahead of me with color. But once I find a way to compartmentalize that, I'm comin' for ya!!!
I'm gunna have to try that! I don't use smudge much...thanks!
A great way to do blending in Photoshop is using a smudge brush, that has a tip made of a couple of dots and apply some scatter. Use pressure to control opacity and/or flow. You can easily go over hard edges to soften them up this way and don't need to aply any filter.
The median filter is key, for me anyway, in consolidating strokes. If I just start smearing stuff around with smudge right off the bat, it just creates a lot of value noise. Some people like their paintings to look like they contain a million tiny strokes, but not me.
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