I realized a lot of my heads/portraits/caricatures/whatever have closed mouths. Gonna focus on drawing more teeth 'n' gums!
Recent autodestruct playlist :
Noisia "Split The Atom" [Vision]
Hybrid "Disappear Here" [Distinctive Breaks]
Trifonic "Emergence"
Ent "Welcome Stranger" [n5MD]
Balmoreah "Constellations" [Western Vinyl]
Red Sparowes "The Fear Is Excruciating But Therein Lies The Answer" [Sargent House]
Blockhead "The Music Scene" [Ninja Tune]
Vex'd "Cloud Seed" [Planet Mu]
Starkey "Ear Drums And Black Holes" [Planet Mu]
Breakage "Foundation" [Digital Sound Boy]
Scuba "Triangulation" [Hot Flush]
Tribal Tul "Triple" [Tribal]
Sentient "The Space Between" [Zenon]
V/A "New Blood 010" [Med School/Hospital]
V/A "Are You Jiviin' Yet?" [Adapted]
V/A "Breakfast of Champions" [Morning Monster]
V/A "Haiti Appeal Project" [Organic]
Missed albums :
Tipper "Wobble Factor"
Way Out West "We Love Machine" [Hope]
Open mouths are da best. It's a forest of contact shadows!
Hooray, teeth.
new Tipper?
good call! You've got a good habit of self analysis going on, no wonder your work kicks so much ass
Nice one man, you really nailed the shapes and the strokes
Headphone Commute -- You'll find "Wobble Factor" has been uploaded :) -- tipper.zip
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