My coworker/coffee pal Gino Whitehall drew a viking and challenged his Facebook friends to color it. I accepted!

The original...

The original...
...and it occurs to me now that the dangly, wiggly thing hanging from his groin is probably a knife, and should have been painted metallic. Oops!
its a horn for holding mead or bread or something... You did an awesome job! Im gonna need the finished psd with layers on my desk by monday. thaaaaanks.
Hahah, sure, I'll bring it in. But you'll laugh at how many layers there are. Then you'll zoom in on things, and I hate when you do that.
Love the lighting!
Very cool! Well done sir- as always. Only thing I'd want to adjust is the fur on his boots.
...because you're a furry and you know how to render FUR, is that it, Crystel? Or should I use your secret moniker, "Crystel The Mad Marmoset?"
Great stuff Paul. I don't want to be a nuisance but have you ever done any coloring tutorials? I'm very interested in how you go about it as i love your style. If you haven't would you consider doing one if you have some time? Other than that, LOVE your work. Keep it up guy :)
Nice treatment!
turned out nice.
mola! *spain spanish for like it! step away from the colors paul...
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