...was initially for pieces done on a computer, but has since become a free-for-all. Here you'll find process work (digital and otherwise), sketch pages and studies, sometimes with commentary.
Hi, i'm sorry to distrb you, but i'm really eager to be able to follow you wonderfull art and lines on tumblr but can't find neither the reposts buttons, neither the follow buttons.
Anyway, keep up this awesome ( and sexy ) art of yours and thanksfor sharing it with us ^^
Hi Mr. Richards. I've been meaning to ask you this for years.
Using an armored warrior as an example, would you design him/her differently for a comic then you would for a video game; knowing you'd have to draw the character multiple times from various angles and in any pose?
Traumselt -- There should be thingie in the upper right portion of your screen, and I believe you can search for people to follow from your dashboard. Hope that helps. // SirScribblesalot // I guess you'd want a simpler, more streamlined version with clear color breaks.
Hi, i'm sorry to distrb you, but i'm really eager to be able to follow you wonderfull art and lines on tumblr but can't find neither the reposts buttons, neither the follow buttons.
Anyway, keep up this awesome ( and sexy ) art of yours and thanksfor sharing it with us ^^
Hi Mr. Richards. I've been meaning to ask you this for years.
Using an armored warrior as an example, would you design him/her differently for a comic then you would for a video game; knowing you'd have to draw the character multiple times from various angles and in any pose?
Traumselt -- There should be thingie in the upper right portion of your screen, and I believe you can search for people to follow from your dashboard. Hope that helps. // SirScribblesalot // I guess you'd want a simpler, more streamlined version with clear color breaks.
following :)
Cool! I'm following now. :)
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