He reminds me a lot of Inspector Kemp from Young Frankenstein, minus the monocle and screw-on hand.
Another astute officemate pointed out that I'm making these guys less weird than they actually are. I'm subconsciously trying to "fix" them when I should be going in the exact opposite direction. For example, I could have played up his ridiculously high collar, deeply inset raccoon eyes and bushy, bushy chops-- formed more of an opinion about him before I plunged in. I think opinion is what separates lively portraiture/caricature from dead reproductions. Only so much is actually important about people, and the rest can just go away or be downplayed.
Couldn't agree more with your input on that. It's easier to do with some faces.
Check out my latest attempt. I was trying to maintain the likeness as that has been a weak area of mine. I found the picture of the guy just floating around on the internet. He looks kind of pervy to me. What do you think? Hee Hee.
I believe thats General Ambrose Burnside..the man credited with inventing sideburns! he should be on a dollar bill or something.
Cade, you made me Stephen King!!!! Hahaha, I'll get you for this...
Yeah. I was thinking that afterward too. Sorry about that. Like I said, I'm not too good with keeping likeness.
OK, I changed the rendering a little bit. Normally wouldn't mess around with it, but it was bugging me. Look more like you now?
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