Bab Lab will be a datapool for everything/anything I learn about drawing women, and will eventually feature the knowledge/talents of other artists.
My motivation is threefold.
1) Get better at pinups.
2) Analyze, meet and converse with artists I love.
3) Take periodic mental vacations from the world of game development.
Please check back for regular updates, as I suspect this is where I'll be posting most this year and for the foreseeable future, until I run out of interest (not likely). At the moment I'm just adding things as they occur. It's going to be a lot of work. Sexy, sexy work...
Thanks to my bro, Kurt, who hooked up the sweet logo.
Cool! I'll definitely be following this, but the white txt on light blue background is barely readable.
Awesome! I love your pinup sketches. I cant wait to see what observation you are going to share with us amateur artist.
Very cool. Added to bookmarks post haste. I have to agree with Zeke on the text. White letters suck to read, otherwise love the layout/color scheme.
best idea ever! thanks man
Some really great info out there so far. Thank you! Can't wait to see more.
Useful feedback on the text. Thanks. Better now?
What an awesome idea.
Right on, PR!!
Look forward to more!
Looks like a popular "How to.." book in the making. Awesome idea.
I think it's a great idea!
Paul this is great! A public service to artists out there. :D
Thanks for the generosity.
Perfect! I'm stoked you're putting work into tutorials like this, your pinups are among the best I've seen
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