Upper left : Victoria's Secret catalog doodles (Wendy has it sent to the house, not me, honest!)
Lower left : bits from AM lifedrawing session (Crabby Pants Pastel went on and on about how well this particular model was able to hold the pose. Her drawing, not surprisingly, was no better for it.)
Rest : misc. coffeehouse people and PM lifedrawing session -- blades, fans and guns! My kind of model.
dang, i need to get my models some props for Christmas in July... it'd totally be worth the money out of my pocket to get some of those poses from them.
Thing is, the props don't even have to be big-budget. A creative model could do something impressive with a coffee mug or a cardboard tube or numerous other common household objects. Why no one ever thinks to do this is a mystery to me. It's not like the artists spend their time trying to get the prop to look good. They're more focused on the figure.
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