This blog...

...was initially for pieces done on a computer, but has since become a free-for-all. Here you'll find process work (digital and otherwise), sketch pages and studies, sometimes with commentary.

You can see the rest of my work here.

Remember kids : if you can't make pretty designs, at least make pretty lines!


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Plaque, bitches!!!

Vigil gave us all commemorative Darksiders plaques today. Of course, I don't need such things to remind me of the experience, but plaque!

Bonus : Josh Coons decapitates me with a Blizzard sword (I got better.), I pretend to wield the Chaos Eater, and a bunch of us gawk at Toph, doin' his thang. Also, War gave me daps. We cool like dat.


Ferran Sellares said...

Paul, what about this:

Is the same comic/artbook that releases with the game or is absolutely new?

Vinod Rams said...

Just so you know Paul, I only clicked on the image to see me some Southam.

I've seen quite enough of your crazy face on this blog lately...

Anonymous said...

I'd like a preview of what's in that "Art of Darksiders" book also.
I did some droorings from your expressions:

artboymoy said...

I think Nick has that perpetual expression whenever I see him. The new do looks good, man. time to start shaving the old noggin.

I like the crazy faces but damn you look weird without the glasses. :)

Paul Richards said...

Ferran -- Yes, the artbook is new. Udon's doing a hardcover and softcover version to coincide with San Diego Comic Con. Kinda pricey, though, damn...